When: Saturday, November 14, 2015, 1 pm
Join Gold Ridge RCD in an afternoon exploring the water cycle and one rancher’s role in conserving our precious water resources for salmon in Salmon Creek. Our holistic discussion will address how groundwater is connected to surface water, why our salmon are in peril and how we can help, what role agriculture does and can play in conserving water, how rural water storage works, and how land managers can apply for funding to install more wildlife-saving water collection systems. We will walk Salmon Creek to see in-stream improvements to wildlife habitat, such as structural large wood debris, and learn how a 230,000 gallon underground water storage system has brought this rancher peace of mind amidst the fourth year of drought. We may even see some Salmon!
For more information, please email Adriana at [email protected] or call 707.823.5244.
There is no cost for this event. This outing is made possible by the voters of Sonoma County who fund the Agricultural and Open Space District's work with a quarter cent sales tax.